Impact Campaign
The stories told through the Galup project are part of a complex landscape of colonial violence. Galup / Lake Monger is a place where Noongar and British culture intersected in a traumatic and destructive way. The Galup performance and VR gives people an experience that empowers them to understand and recognise the destructive nature of colonial systems and beliefs that are still in place - through active listening, uncovering and acknowledging history and memorialising alternative narratives.
Unless historical wounds are healed, the legacy of past traumas will continue to play out in Australia’s future. Relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians must be grounded in truth because there can be no trust without an honest, open conversation about our history.
The Galup team aims to use the arts as a vehicle for truth-telling and creating open dialogue that brings people together. The team wants the project to create a space where connection, healing and relationship-building can occur.
Get Involved
● Subscribe to receive updates about impact goals including restoring the lake’s Whadjuk Noongar name
● Ask about booking Galup VR Experience for your school, event or organisation
● See Galup VR Experience at City of Vincent library (individuals and families only)
● Hear Elders’ voices
● Look at massacre map
● Explore research
● Scroll through historical timeline
● Download study guide
● Read press articles
● Listen In Visible Ink panel at WA Museum Boola Bardip
● Watch online presentation on social media
● Follow us on social media